

The world’s fastest framework for building websites

Statistically 99% of new websites do not require dynamic content, connection to databases and daily changes. Most businesses require a super quick presentation website that will be the target of their marketing and sales campaigns.

Do not fall into the trap of creating a dynamic website based on open-source CMS. Most of you do not need this! Open-source CMS systems are definitely useful, but are not for everyone.

If you are creating a

  • News Portal
  • Blog
  • E-Commerce

then you might need a CMS system to handle your daily added content. But if you want to present your services or static products, your best choice is to use a Static Site Generator (SSG).

What are Static Site Generators

They are engines that use text input files to generate static websites. They are alternative to CMS systems for managing web content.

We specialize in building websites with HUGO. HUGO is one of the most popular and fastest static site generators.